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Online Bus Booking System free source Code


This is an online bus ticket/booking system. With this system bus company owners can easily manage the bookings/reservations for seats in their buses. Company owners can manage bus routes, bus availability and list all the buses and seats. With this system customers cannot book for seats that have already been booked.

 Customers can not also create double reservation. For example if a customer has booked seat A10: DATE: today BUS: 1 The same customer cannot also go and book SEAT A20:DATE:today BUS:1 same departure time.

Customers can only make reservations for buses and routes that are made available by admin or company management. This is to avoid confusions and enable proper planning and descition making.

The system admin can view summary reports of all and or fundamental activities within the system and be able to tell how the system is working from the rich insights from the summaries. Customers can print receipts upon successful booking and or can go to the booking agent to print the receipt and confirm payment.


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